Recent Tweets
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#Communication leads to #trust - Drew McManus (Integrating development, design & product to deliver great products) #LeanStartup
— Ken of Zen (@holymully)2013-12-10 15:43:20
I feel sorry that so many think that #leanstartup is just trendy and a passing by business show, it isn´t, it does really help. #TRUST&DO
— Aitor González (@riskyandfunky)2013-11-28 17:17:29
summary of @mbgorman keynote #AgileTD "Agile Testing: Strength thru Interdependence" #agileba #baot #trust...
— Ellen Gottesdiener (@ellengott)2013-11-25 10:25:31
This is the first #oredev in years that I'm "just" attending. #lovingit #focus #delegate #trust
— Jakob Wolman (@jakobwolman)2013-11-06 04:38:53
RT @erik_schon: Gr8 ending by ~@joakimsunden emphasizing that #trust is the foundation for everything. #LKCE13
— Dave White (@AgileRamblings)2013-11-04 06:17:12
Gr8 ending by ~@joakimsunden emphasizing that #trust is the foundation for everything. #LKCE13
— Erik Schön (@erik_schon)2013-11-04 06:14:46
The good @sebrose being referred by @lisacrispin & @janetgregoryca #trust #agiletd
— Carlos Ble (@carlosble)2013-10-31 12:34:55
OH: “Lean is a weapon to crush my enemies.” #Agile2013 What happened to Respect People? How does labeling help respect them? #trust
— Olaf Lewitz (@OlafLewitz)2013-08-05 10:44:00
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
AgileRamblings - 1holymully - 1
OlafLewitz - 1
jakobwolman - 1
carlosble - 1
ellengott - 1
erik_schon - 1
riskyandfunky - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
trust - 8leanstartup - 2
agiletd - 2
LKCE13 - 2
oredev - 1
baot - 1
Agile2013 - 1
lovingit - 1
focus - 1
Communication - 1