Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @markmadsen: Third party content makes up large portion of many pages, example of page with data from 142 domains, 25sec load time #velo…
— Heiko Specht (@Heispe)2013-11-14 05:18:47
RT @markmadsen: Third party content makes up large portion of many pages, example of page with data from 142 domains, 25sec load time #velo…
— Yves Mulkers (@YvesMulkers)2013-11-14 05:04:34
RT @omphe: Developing for the browser? TryGoogle Chrome Canary build for latest and greatest in the Dev Tools: #velo…
— Dzsó (@dzsodzso)2013-11-13 05:03:00
RT @keynotesystems: "How we survived Hurricane Sandy..." by @focustrate, @airplanedan - Impact on performance: #velo…
— NJ Mike (@focustrate)2013-10-18 17:27:57
RT @cvwdyn: "We built for high availability, but we forgot to put in a kill switch, so it took down the whole network" @stackexchange #velo…
— J. Paul Reed (@SoberBuildEng)2013-10-15 14:39:28
RT @joerustad: Dr Cook's 3 boundary model ($, workload, perf) feels like the project management triangle: quality, schedule, features #velo…
— Mary Thengvall (@mary_grace)2013-10-15 09:52:51
RT @danslimmon: .@fredwilson knows why the Galactic Empire failed under Palpatine and Vader: "Fear-based organizations do not scale." #velo…
— Cory von Wallenstein (@cvwdyn)2013-10-15 09:34:57
RT @danslimmon: .@fredwilson knows why the Galactic Empire failed under Palpatine and Vader: "Fear-based organizations do not scale." #velo…
— Kip Primous (@cprimous)2013-10-15 09:31:12
RT @danslimmon: .@fredwilson knows why the Galactic Empire failed under Palpatine and Vader: "Fear-based organizations do not scale." #velo…
— Big Data (@bigdatastories)2013-10-15 09:30:32
RT @danslimmon: .@fredwilson knows why the Galactic Empire failed under Palpatine and Vader: "Fear-based organizations do not scale." #velo…
— datacenter (@datacenter)2013-10-15 09:30:07
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
jhofmann - 2mary_grace - 2
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SoberBuildEng - 1
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velo - 53webperf - 2
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NYC - 2