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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @bbrewer: Just a reminder, the RUM data I showed this morning is up at - let us know what you think! #velocitycon…
— Jeroen Tjepkema (@jeroentjepkema)2013-11-15 19:43:07
RT @bbrewer: Just a reminder, the RUM data I showed this morning is up at - let us know what you think! #velocitycon…
— Chris Addis (@chrisaddis)2013-11-15 14:45:49
RT @bbrewer: Just a reminder, the RUM data I showed this morning is up at - let us know what you think! #velocitycon…
— Cliff Crocker (@cliffcrocker)2013-11-15 08:31:57
RT @bridgetkromhout: "Hiring ops guys; hard to find the right dudes!" Are those terms saying something about an org's culture? #velocitycon…
— Andy Domeier (@AndyDomeier)2013-10-18 12:53:10
RT @bridgetkromhout: "Hiring ops guys; hard to find the right dudes!" Are those terms saying something about an org's culture? #velocitycon…
— Joshua Hoffman (@oshu)2013-10-18 11:10:16
RT @bridgetkromhout: "Hiring ops guys; hard to find the right dudes!" Are those terms saying something about an org's culture? #velocitycon…
— SysAdm1138 (@SysAdm1138)2013-10-18 11:08:12
RT @bridgetkromhout: "Hiring ops guys; hard to find the right dudes!" Are those terms saying something about an org's culture? #velocitycon…
— James Meickle (@jmeickle)2013-10-18 10:53:26
RT @velocityconf: Free webcast w/ @jon lives 'Michelin Starred Cooking with Chef at Etsy' starting NOW. #velocitycon…
— Seth Vargo (@sethvargo)2013-05-14 17:09:54
RT @kenny_dee: Compte Rendu de la Velocity Conférence Europe 2012 : Day 2 + Day 1 #velocitycon ...
— Karim Naamani (@KNaamani)2012-10-08 08:44:41
RT @kenny_dee: Compte Rendu de la Velocity Conférence Europe 2012 : Day 2 + Day 1 #velocitycon ...
— Nicolas Hoizey (@nhoizey)2012-10-08 03:05:01
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