Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Prestar dinero para ayudar una causa y te lo regresan! #wow #LeanStartup vía @danicuki
— Pames ॐ (@Pamela_mx)2013-12-10 17:39:28
RT @kubakubula: Don't. Know. What. To. Say. #jsconfeu back-track music played by web-components and web-audio and a QuNeo pad. … #WOW
— supersole ㋛ (@supersole)2013-09-14 08:11:10
Don't. Know. What. To. Say. #jsconfeu back-track music played by web-components and web-audio and a QuNeo pad. … #WOW
— Jakub Korál (@kubakubula)2013-09-14 04:31:26
RT @jeantabaka: #agile2013 squads truly own their entire app, are co-located, and their own meeting room @joakimsunden #Spotify #wow
— wylieburt (@wylieburt)2013-08-06 12:02:54
#agile2013 squads truly own their entire app, are co-located, and their own meeting room @joakimsunden #Spotify #wow
— Jean Tabaka (@jeantabaka)2013-08-06 11:58:27
#webrtc it's coming to #android with #videocalls. #wow. #fosdem #mozilla #Firefox
— c (@carl0s_)2013-02-02 10:21:01
“@peterc: Wow, Facebook's main repo currently gets 16,000 commits a month #velocityconf” #wow
— wlepinski ෴ (@lepinski)2012-10-03 15:10:47
Increasingly being amazed at some of the info tweeted from #VelocityConf #wow
— Richard Lubomski (@lubomski)2012-10-03 09:43:05
“Instagram has 100 million users and 16 employees @mikeyk #mobilizeconf” #wow
— Wale Ilori (@feranmii)2012-09-20 16:51:29
FIREFOX OS #yay @codepo8 #wow #smashingconf
— Tom Arnold (@webrocker)2012-09-18 12:40:11
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
webrocker - 2Pamela_mx - 1
lubomski - 1
wylieburt - 1
javajim - 1
lepinski - 1
kubakubula - 1
carl0s_ - 1
supersole - 1
feranmii - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
wow - 12smashingconf - 3
jsconfeu - 2
VelocityConf - 2
agile2013 - 2
Spotify - 2
mozilla - 1
LeanStartup - 1
webrtc - 1
Firefox - 1